Get Fit with LL Cool J 

Along with his talent as a rapper and actor, LL Cool J has always had a body that women swoon over and men envy. From the time he first came on the scene, audiences took notice of his rap style, his boyish dimples, the way he’d lick his lips, and his well-defined physique. With more than two decades in the music industry, and still going strong (his latest CD, Exit 13, will be in stores September 9) , LL Cool J (born James Todd Smith), also wrote a book about physical fitness – called LL Cool J’s Platinum Workou t (with personal trainer Dave “Scooter” Honig). Below are a few excerpts from LL’s book that will surely get you motivated: 

LL’s Motivation Tip:

“You’ve got to be really determined to make it happen. You have to do what you’re supposed to do when you don’t want to do it. There are times in life when you’ve got to keep going. Now’s the time to dig deep.” 

LL’s Fat-Loss Tip:

Use smaller plates for your food. It’ll trick your mind into thinking you’re eating more than you actually are.” 

LL’s Fat-Burning Tip:

“Think of the grocery store as a track, and do 90 percent of your shopping in the running lanes on the outside: stay off the infield. This will limit your intake of unhealthy fats (especially trans fats) and calories. The stores are nearly all set up the same way; produce on one side, meats and fish in the back, and dairy and bread on the other side. All the stuff you shouldn’t be eating is in the middle.” 

LL’s Muscle-Building Tip:

Turns out that whole milk – which is loaded with protein for feeding the muscle tissue – doesn’t clog your arteries with the sticky kind of cholesterol after all. UK scientists used full-fat mild to double the consumption of research subjects, and their levels of this bad cholesterol didn’t rise in 6 weeks.” 

LL’s Fat-Burning Tip:

Find a meaningful meaning reason and challenge yourself to give up a food addiction, such as sweets for Christmas. After a few weeks of doing without, you may not even want it anymore.” 

LL’s Fat-Loss & Muscle-Building Tip:

“Broccoli, blueberries, plain yogurt, tuna, olive oil, pine nuts, turkey breast, pure water, yams, brown rice, tomatoes, asparagus, avocados . . . If foods like these are constantly part of your diet, grown organically and cooked to maximize nutritional value, you’re on the fast track to fat loss.” 

LL’s Muscle-Building Tip:

“It doesn’t really matter when you lift during the day – just so long as you lift. Testosterone levels are naturally highest in the morning, which might give you a little more intensity. At night the weights might boost your metabolism at a time when it normally slows down. Either way, these differences are negligible and tend to cancel each other out. Train whenever it best fits your schedule.”

LL’s Fat-Loss Tip:

Avoid cakes, cookies, pastries, and most other things you find sitting in vending machines. They’re often loaded with trans fats and virtually devoid of useful nutrients, so steer clear.   

LL’s Muscle-Building & Live-Longer Tip:

“Start your day wit oatmeal. The complete carbohydrates make it a great workout, leading to muscle growth. A number of clinical studies also suggest that oatmeal eaters have lower cholesterol levels and reduced risk for coronary disease than others. Oatmeal’s high fiber content certainly boost its heart benefits.”  

LL’s Live-Longer Tip:

“Get hooked on fish. A European study of nearly half a million people found that eating a single serving of fish per day reduced colon cancer risk by 50 percent.” 

Photo by Rickey Brown
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