“It is just about tenacity. I’ve been really blessed to have been doing this a long time. A kid coming from St. Louis – starting at stand up [comedy] and just having the opportunity to do it on so many formats of entertainment – movies, films, commercials, books, television specials – all of these things have been a part of my career. I just feel it’s a combination of really staying at it, loving what I do, loving entertaining, being able to ride the highs and lows of it and take it all in stride with joy and the expression of ‘How do I make others laugh and how do I and continue to do good things out there and have fun?’ And I think that those opportunities come to me just through that natural ebb and flow of it all . So, I just try to stay positive and I lead that light and operate from that energy every day. For real.”
Cedric “The Entertainer” – Comedian/Actor/Director